District Inventory

May 2022

Panel 77 (2027-28) <insert Officers here>
<Add a link to reports from this panel when created>

Panel 75 (2025-26) <insert Officers here>
<Add a link to reports from this panel when created>

Panel 73 (2023-24) DCM: Diane M. (Sunshine), ADCM: Leroy L. (Top of the Hill), Secretary: Chris B. (Good News Group), Treasurer: Kat L. (Manayunk Big Book), Web Servant: Lenny T. (Sunshine)

<Add a link to reports from this panel when created>

Panel 71 (2021-22) DCM: Candy S. (Wister), ADCM: Diane M. (Sunshine), Secretary: Amanda G. (Chestnut Hill Big Book) Treasurer: Chris B. (Good News Group) Web Servant: Lenny T. (Sunshine)
Click this link to see reports from Panel 71

Panel 69 (2019-2020) Rita D. (D25 DCM), Candy S (D25 ADCM), Chris B. (D25 Secretary/Acting Webservant), Patty J. (D25 Treasurer)

DCM Report Feb 4-2020

2019 Treasurer reports (Feb., Mar, Apr. May)
Meeting Minutes Mar 3-2020
Meeting Minutes May 5-2020
Meeting Minutes Sep 2020
Meeting Minutes Oct 6-2020
Meeting Minutes Nov 3-2020

Meeting Minutes Dec 2-2020

Web Servant Rpt Dec-2020

Meeting Minutes Previous Years

2016 Meeting Minutes

2017 Meeting Minutes

District 25 recommendations

It is customary at the start of each new Panel (every 2 years) to review past practices and to vote on those that we wish to continue. The recommendations for the current panel can be found on the Business Info web page or use this link:

Current Panel recommendations.

Panel 73 Recommendations (2023)

Panel 71 Recommendations (2021)
Panel 67 Recommendations (2016)

Panel 63 Recommendations (2013)
Panel 57 Recommendations (2007)

 District 25 AA

 6511 Lincoln Drive
 Philadelphia, PA 19119

 Monthly Meetings 
 First Tuesdays 7-9PM  via Zoom and effective Feb. 8, 2022 in person.
District 25 AA Coverage Map