The District 25 Bulletin Board page has virtual AA meeting in our District. If you want to post your meeting times with contact information here (or any other AA related  item) please see the link below with the Bulletin Board Request form and send it to me.  Please use this same form if you want a group anniversary, workshop, etc. listed. These items can be found on theCalendar page of this website. Thanks   Web Servant   March 2023

Virtual Meetings District 25
Meeting – Day/Time
Link/Mtg. IDTelephonePassword

A Spiritual Journey - Steps 3, 7 and 11- 

Thursdays from 6:30 - 7:30 pm

490 463 4516

Bottom of the Hill 7 PM Saturdays
422 311 703

Briar Road Step Tues. 7:30 pm            

Chestnut Hill Step Tues. 8 pm

Hands of Hope Tues. 8 pm         

Osceola M-Sa 1 pm (virtual) and M, T, W, S (in person)
Progress Not Perfection Wed. 7 pm

Serendipity Sun. 8 pm  

Thursday Night Beginners Thurs. 8 pm    
Top of the Hill Daily 7 am  

Wister  Fri. 6:30 PM550548716
West Oak Lane M/W/F 7:30 pm. Effective 1/3/2022 we will resume in-person meetings [Reformation Lutheran Church, 1215 Vernon Rd. Phila PA 19150 (enter on Rugby – Red Door)] in addition to virtual meetings683 571 0660


​​District 25 Meets every first Tuesday 7-9pm  via Zoom and effective Feb. 8, 2022 in person. 

ZOOM Platform (Meeting ID: 711 925 4298, Passcode: 998248) 
Unitarian Society of Germantown
6511 Lincoln Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19119

 District 25 AA

 6511 Lincoln Drive
 Philadelphia, PA 19119

 Monthly Meetings 
 First Tuesdays 7-9PM  via Zoom and effective Feb. 8, 2022 in person.

Please remember to include an email contact address with your bulletin board
announcements if you would like interested people to be able to 
contact a representative for additional information about your event.

Website guidelines for this site state "Anonymity will be preserved and protected: the complete names of individuals, individual phone numbers, postal and identifying E-Mail addresses will not be displayed on the Website. (Traditions 11 & 12)"

For Bulletin Board Submissions, please follow the link below
Bulletin Board Request Form

District 25 AA Coverage Map