District 25 AA Coverage Map

 District 25 AA

 6511 Lincoln Drive
 Philadelphia, PA 19119

 Monthly Meetings 
 First Tuesdays 7-9PM  via Zoom and effective Feb. 8, 2022 in person.

District - A geographic sub-division within a General Service Area created in order to come closer to the individual A.A. Group. It is here that each group in the District sends elected GSR’s to carry its group conscience forward on the chain to the Conference and to receive back important information from A.A. as a whole. Area 59 has forty-seven (47) districts.

Area -
A geographical division within a State or Province. Normally there is one Area for each State, except where there might be a densely populated State or Province. Western PA is Area 60 and we are in Area 59, Eastern PA.

It is customary at the start of each new Panel (every2 years)to review past practices and to vote on those that we wish to continue. Here are the latest recommendations for District 25 operations. District 25 Recommendations

Content Copyright © 2019 District 25 AA. All rights reserved.. This website is not endorsed nor approved by Alcoholics Anonymous World Services Inc. nor any Internet provider. Some of the items at the site might have been published by A.A. World Services Inc., but it is not to be assumed that their use implies consensual approval by the General Service Conference. Alcoholics Anonymous, A.A., and the Big Book are registered trademarks of Alcoholics Anonymous World Services, Inc. The Grapevine, A.A. Grapevine and La Viña are registered trademarks of A.A. Grapevine, Inc.

The GSR Preamble

We are the General Service Representatives.   We are the link in the chain of communication for our groups with the General Service Conference and the world of A.A.  We realize the ultimate authority is a loving God as he may express Himself in our Group Conscience.  As trusted servants, our job is to bring information to our groups in order that they can reach an informed group conscience.  In passing along this group conscience, we are helping to maintain the unity and strength so vital to our fellowship.   Let us, therefore, have the patience and tolerance to listen while others share, the courage to speak up when we have something to share, and the wisdom to do what is right for our group and A.A. as a whole.

(Anonymous;  2013, January 15)

​​District 25 Guidelines - Designed for GSR's to describe how the District operates and has the monthly standard agenda.

District 25 Meets every first Tuesday 7-9pm - Zoom and effective Feb. 8, 2022 in person.

Unitarian Society of Germantown

6511 Lincoln Drive
Philadelphia, PA 19119

Please feel free to join us to find out what your District is doing! In 2021 the GSR's asked to start each meeting with reciting the GSR Preamble (see below)

G.S.R = the General Service Representative  - The G.S.R is an A.A. member who is elected by his/her Home Group to represent that group’s opinion in discussions at the District and Area levels. He/she also keeps the group as fully informed as possible of important decisions, discussions, and events occurring within A.A. at the District, Area, Regional, National and International levels.

​         G.S.R. Duties
-  Linking their groups with A.A. as a whole.
-  Representing the voice of their Group’s conscience.
-  Reporting it to the DCM and the Delegate, who pass it on to the Conference and the rest of A.A.
-​  Bringing the Area and District suggestions and the Conference actions back to their groups.
-​  Becoming an educated and informed part of the service structure by reading/knowing the Service Manual and Area


​Please refer to the pamphlet "G.S.R. General Service Representative Your Groups Link To AA As A Whole"for more information.